Special Issue of International Journal of Advertising on New Developments in Digital Promotion
Guest Editors: Lamberto Zollo, Riccardo Rialti, Kacy Kim, and Sukki Yoon
Extended abstract submissions to the ¡°New Developments in Digital Promotion¡± track at the 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul must be received by January 16, 2023.
Full manuscript submissions must be received by October 15, 2023.
Marketing communications are undergoing profound changes because of disruptive technological and digital advances such as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) (Yuan et al., 2021), artificial intelligence (AI) (Taylor, 2019), big data (Kim et al., 2019), advergames, gamified advertisements (An and Kang, 2015; Rialti et al., 2022), and the metaverse (Taylor, 2022). Brands are exploiting these virtual realities and ¡°parallel¡± worlds to gain competitive advantages, create new digital touch points, and provide online customer experiences, such as Balenciaga on Fortnite and Gucci on Roblox (Vogue, 2021).
The new digital and technological advertising paradigms, however, generate tension and create paradoxes. Advertisers are pressed to use modern technologies, social platforms, and online touchpoints to reach new consumers and maintain customer bases (Zollo et al., 2020), while consumers − especially from younger generations – are increasingly demanding that companies maintain sustainability and morality, adhere to ethical practices, build ¡°green¡± brand images, and provide environmentally friendly advertising (Yoon et al., 2016).
Consumer interactions with technologically advanced marketing communications can evoke negative emotions (Poels and Dewitte, 2019). For example, consumers may be irritated and annoyed by excessive incoming mobile phone advertising (Sharma et al., 2022). Cognitive dissonance may be aroused in dealing with multichannel advertising, webrooming, and cross-channel free riding (Nosi et al., 2022). They may fear privacy losses from using social media platforms (Morimoto, 2021; Taylor, 2019).
Thus advertisers face a dilemma. They must encourage consumers to perceive that brands are sustainable, pro-environmental, technologically advanced, and active in the digital media landscape (Jacobson and Harrison, 2022; Kim and Ko, 2012). They must also avoid mismatching brand image with brand identity or risk dramatic damages to overall brand equity.
Consequently, researchers are calling for new theoretical and practitioner research that examines impacts, developments, and sustainability associated with digital advertising (Lee and Cho, 2020).
For this special issue, we welcome conceptual and empirical papers that use quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches to advance research regarding developments in digital communications, advertising, and promotions among brands and companies.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
Digital promotion, online advertisement, and data-driven marketing communication in the 4.0 era
How to combine sustainability and advertising in the digital landscape
Ethical issues, privacy concerns, and data protection (GDPR) in online marketing
Irrational and unconscious consumer reactions to digital ads
Moral intuition and moral emotion in virtual and online marketing platforms
AR, VR, AI and the metaverse in digital promotion
The digital customer journey and new virtual touchpoints
Virtual customer experience
Emerging trends in social media advertising, such as Instagram and TikTok
Managing tensions and paradoxes associated with global advertising strategies
How cultural and national regulations affect digital communication and advertising
Submission information
We welcome submissions from non-GMC members but will give special consideration to manuscripts submitted to the track called ¡®New Developments in Digital Promotion¡¯ of the 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul.
Submission deadline for 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul is Jan. 16, 2023.
Direct inquiries to the Special Issue Co-Editors:
Lamberto Zollo, University of Milan (lamberto.zollo@unimi.it)
Riccardo Rialti, University of Milan (riccardo.rialti@unimi.it)
Kacy Kim, Bryant University (kkim2@bryant.edu)
Sukki Yoon, Bryant University (syoon@bryant.edu)
For more information:
International Journal of Advertising: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rina20/current
2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul: https://2023gmc.imweb.me/
An, S., & Kang, H. (2014). Advertising or games? Advergames on the internet gaming sites targeting children. International Journal of Advertising, 33(3), 509-532.
Jacobson, J., & Harrison, B. (2022). Sustainable fashion social media influencers and content creation calibration. International Journal of Advertising, 41(1), 150-177.
Kim, A.J., & Ko, E. (2012). Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity? An empirical study of luxury fashion brand. Journal of Business Research, 65(10), 1480-1486.
Kim, K., Yoon, S., & Choi, Y. K. (2019). The effects of eWOM volume and valence on product sales–an empirical examination of the movie industry. International Journal of Advertising, 38(3), 471-488.
Lee, H., & Cho, C. H. (2020). Digital advertising: present and future prospects. International Journal of Advertising, 39(3), 332-341.
Morimoto, M. (2021). Privacy concerns about personalized advertising across multiple social media platforms in Japan: The relationship with information control and persuasion knowledge. International Journal of Advertising, 40(3), 431-451.
Nosi, C., Zollo, L., Rialti, R., & Ciappei, C. (2022). Why do consumers free ride? Investigating the effects of cognitive effort on postpurchase dissonance. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 39(5), 417-431.
Poels, K., & Dewitte, S. (2019). The role of emotions in advertising: A call to action. Journal of Advertising, 48(1), 81-90.
Rialti, R., Filieri, R., Zollo, L., Bazi, S., & Ciappei, C. (2022). Assessing the relationship between gamified advertising and in-app purchases: a consumers¡¯ benefits-based perspective. International Journal of Advertising. DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2022.2025735.
Sharma, A., Dwivedi, R., Mariani, M.M., & Islam, T. (2022). Investigating the effect of advertising irritation on digital advertising effectiveness: A moderated mediation model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121731.
Taylor, C.R. (2019). Artificial intelligence, customized communications, privacy, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). International Journal of Advertising, 38(5), 649-650.
Taylor, C. R. (2020). Advertising and COVID-19. International Journal of Advertising, 39(5), 587-589.
Taylor, C. R. (2022). Research on advertising in the metaverse: a call to action. International Journal of Advertising, 41(3), 383-384.
Vogue (2021a). Balenciaga and Fortnite Team Up for a Digital-to-Physical Partnership. Available at: https://www.vogue.com/article/balenciaga-fortnite-partnership.
Vogue (2021b). Inside Gucci and Roblox¡¯s new virtual world. Available at: https://www.voguebusiness.com/technology/inside-gucci-and-robloxs-new-virtual-world
Yuan, C., Wang, S., Yu, X., Kim, K. H., & Moon, H. (2021). The influence of flow experience in the augmented reality context on psychological ownership. International Journal of Advertising, 40(6), 922-944.
Yoon, S., Kim, Y., & Baek, T. H. (2016). Effort investment in persuasiveness: a comparative study of environmental advertising in the United States and Korea. International Journal of Advertising, 35(1), 93-105.
Zollo, L., Filieri, R., Rialti, R., & Yoon, S. (2020). Unpacking the relationship between social media marketing and brand equity: The mediating role of consumers¡¯ benefits and experience. Journal of Business Research, 117, 256-267.
Special Issue of International Journal of Advertising on New Developments in Digital Promotion
Guest Editors: Lamberto Zollo, Riccardo Rialti, Kacy Kim, and Sukki Yoon
Extended abstract submissions to the ¡°New Developments in Digital Promotion¡± track at the 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul must be received by January 16, 2023.
Full manuscript submissions must be received by October 15, 2023.
Marketing communications are undergoing profound changes because of disruptive technological and digital advances such as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) (Yuan et al., 2021), artificial intelligence (AI) (Taylor, 2019), big data (Kim et al., 2019), advergames, gamified advertisements (An and Kang, 2015; Rialti et al., 2022), and the metaverse (Taylor, 2022). Brands are exploiting these virtual realities and ¡°parallel¡± worlds to gain competitive advantages, create new digital touch points, and provide online customer experiences, such as Balenciaga on Fortnite and Gucci on Roblox (Vogue, 2021).
The new digital and technological advertising paradigms, however, generate tension and create paradoxes. Advertisers are pressed to use modern technologies, social platforms, and online touchpoints to reach new consumers and maintain customer bases (Zollo et al., 2020), while consumers − especially from younger generations – are increasingly demanding that companies maintain sustainability and morality, adhere to ethical practices, build ¡°green¡± brand images, and provide environmentally friendly advertising (Yoon et al., 2016).
Consumer interactions with technologically advanced marketing communications can evoke negative emotions (Poels and Dewitte, 2019). For example, consumers may be irritated and annoyed by excessive incoming mobile phone advertising (Sharma et al., 2022). Cognitive dissonance may be aroused in dealing with multichannel advertising, webrooming, and cross-channel free riding (Nosi et al., 2022). They may fear privacy losses from using social media platforms (Morimoto, 2021; Taylor, 2019).
Thus advertisers face a dilemma. They must encourage consumers to perceive that brands are sustainable, pro-environmental, technologically advanced, and active in the digital media landscape (Jacobson and Harrison, 2022; Kim and Ko, 2012). They must also avoid mismatching brand image with brand identity or risk dramatic damages to overall brand equity.
Consequently, researchers are calling for new theoretical and practitioner research that examines impacts, developments, and sustainability associated with digital advertising (Lee and Cho, 2020).
For this special issue, we welcome conceptual and empirical papers that use quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches to advance research regarding developments in digital communications, advertising, and promotions among brands and companies.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
Submission information
We welcome submissions from non-GMC members but will give special consideration to manuscripts submitted to the track called ¡®New Developments in Digital Promotion¡¯ of the 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul.
Submission deadline for 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul is Jan. 16, 2023.
Direct inquiries to the Special Issue Co-Editors:
Lamberto Zollo, University of Milan (lamberto.zollo@unimi.it)
Riccardo Rialti, University of Milan (riccardo.rialti@unimi.it)
Kacy Kim, Bryant University (kkim2@bryant.edu)
Sukki Yoon, Bryant University (syoon@bryant.edu)
For more information:
International Journal of Advertising: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rina20/current
2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul: https://2023gmc.imweb.me/
An, S., & Kang, H. (2014). Advertising or games? Advergames on the internet gaming sites targeting children. International Journal of Advertising, 33(3), 509-532.
Jacobson, J., & Harrison, B. (2022). Sustainable fashion social media influencers and content creation calibration. International Journal of Advertising, 41(1), 150-177.
Kim, A.J., & Ko, E. (2012). Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity? An empirical study of luxury fashion brand. Journal of Business Research, 65(10), 1480-1486.
Kim, K., Yoon, S., & Choi, Y. K. (2019). The effects of eWOM volume and valence on product sales–an empirical examination of the movie industry. International Journal of Advertising, 38(3), 471-488.
Lee, H., & Cho, C. H. (2020). Digital advertising: present and future prospects. International Journal of Advertising, 39(3), 332-341.
Morimoto, M. (2021). Privacy concerns about personalized advertising across multiple social media platforms in Japan: The relationship with information control and persuasion knowledge. International Journal of Advertising, 40(3), 431-451.
Nosi, C., Zollo, L., Rialti, R., & Ciappei, C. (2022). Why do consumers free ride? Investigating the effects of cognitive effort on postpurchase dissonance. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 39(5), 417-431.
Poels, K., & Dewitte, S. (2019). The role of emotions in advertising: A call to action. Journal of Advertising, 48(1), 81-90.
Rialti, R., Filieri, R., Zollo, L., Bazi, S., & Ciappei, C. (2022). Assessing the relationship between gamified advertising and in-app purchases: a consumers¡¯ benefits-based perspective. International Journal of Advertising. DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2022.2025735.
Sharma, A., Dwivedi, R., Mariani, M.M., & Islam, T. (2022). Investigating the effect of advertising irritation on digital advertising effectiveness: A moderated mediation model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121731.
Taylor, C.R. (2019). Artificial intelligence, customized communications, privacy, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). International Journal of Advertising, 38(5), 649-650.
Taylor, C. R. (2020). Advertising and COVID-19. International Journal of Advertising, 39(5), 587-589.
Taylor, C. R. (2022). Research on advertising in the metaverse: a call to action. International Journal of Advertising, 41(3), 383-384.
Vogue (2021a). Balenciaga and Fortnite Team Up for a Digital-to-Physical Partnership. Available at: https://www.vogue.com/article/balenciaga-fortnite-partnership.
Vogue (2021b). Inside Gucci and Roblox¡¯s new virtual world. Available at: https://www.voguebusiness.com/technology/inside-gucci-and-robloxs-new-virtual-world
Yuan, C., Wang, S., Yu, X., Kim, K. H., & Moon, H. (2021). The influence of flow experience in the augmented reality context on psychological ownership. International Journal of Advertising, 40(6), 922-944.
Yoon, S., Kim, Y., & Baek, T. H. (2016). Effort investment in persuasiveness: a comparative study of environmental advertising in the United States and Korea. International Journal of Advertising, 35(1), 93-105.
Zollo, L., Filieri, R., Rialti, R., & Yoon, S. (2020). Unpacking the relationship between social media marketing and brand equity: The mediating role of consumers¡¯ benefits and experience. Journal of Business Research, 117, 256-267.