2020 AMA-GAMMA Joint Symposium
Theme: Marketing Insights from Asia
Co-Hosts: American Marketing Association
Global Alliance of Marketing and Management Associations
Organizer: Korean Scholars of Marketing Science
Partner: Korean Economy & Management Development Institute
Co-Chairs: Roland T. Rust (University of Maryland)
Juran Kim (Jeonju University)
Date: Feb. 14, 2020
It will be held in '2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference'
Venue: InterContinental San Diego, San Diego, California, USA
2020 AMA-GAMMA Joint Symposium in '2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference Homepage':
- https://www.ama.org/events/conference/2020-ama-winter-academic-conference/#event-custom
2020 AMA-GAMMA Joint Symposium Program: Attached to this message
For More Information
Changwon National University, 9 Sarimdong Changwon, Gyeongnam, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-55-213-3346, Fax: +82-55-263-9096.
E-mail: gammacentraloffice@gmail.com